On 4/12/13 I made a post mentioning an animation called T.O.L.Q., this eventually (on 3/21/13) stood for Tales of Legend Quest, and on 5/18/14 I mentioned how it was now being called Legends of Fantasy Quest and showed off some rather poor quality screen shots. So what happened to that? Well I felt like the story was terrible and the animation was an atrocious mess of tweens.
(if you want to see everything I made of it click here: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c2620abfbe4312ea99603476dcc78f7a [though I do warn you it was cancelled for a reason])
It's 2015 now and I have re-written the script, checked it over a multitude of times, story boarded it, and it is now in the recording process. So why am I determined to finish this over the other version? Well the script is done in such a way that I'm sure I can say everyone on the project can be proud of what was made, also this is one of the last things Poorestpotato, CreepySquee, and I can do before we all go our separate ways as PP is going into the Marines and I am going to a college in Minnesota.
So what excactly is going on in the world of LOFQ?
Well it's a world of adventures based off some of the most ridiculous DND games ever played, it has treasures, giant birds, singing scorpions as they duel their lobster nemmisis, and boats, lots and lots of boats.
Aside from this big project I may only be doing 2 other smaller animations this year depending on how college is going.
Until then I thank you all for supporting my animations as they have come and helping me improve, their will be less coming from me but what will be coming from me I hope to really make smile.
A big thanks to:
AcesArco, azureexcalibur, blackmanz94, C-Independent, feircedeity64, FuzzzyDice, Garchomping, georgeiqGs, LILxJ, MistyEntertainment, mitzufi, MocaNico, nat29, newgroundsrocks24, Nysifius, Psychedelic Samurai, PuddinPals, Saohesc, TheMewx, Two-Tails, Ultracatz, WillieD891, Psychopath, Keisok, and Poorestpotato
thanks man, i've been following your work for 3 years now, keep up the good work