This is the bread box

Age 27, Male

Joined on 12/26/12

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thebreadandbutter's News

Posted by thebreadandbutter - May 19th, 2013

ok so armidillo lipping zahtas is taking longer than I thought so what was going to be a may release is going to be an even later may release.
SO WHILE THATS HAPPENING we recorded a new animation and I recorded a video of it

can you figure out what it's a sequal to?

Posted by thebreadandbutter - May 7th, 2013

Thanks to admin Wade Fulp Generic Anime Rebirth is back up and functioning. And we shall begin recording GA3 on saturday

thank you Wade Fulp

Posted by thebreadandbutter - May 6th, 2013

Z and I have decided that if we are to make episode 3 we will have to get a version of episode 1 going SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Z came over and we re-recoded the audio with the best mic we can get our hands on (the mic used for zahtas) along with that we will be fixing the rest of the flaws with the first episode (crap animation, no real background, ect)

Hey everyone that cares

Posted by thebreadandbutter - May 5th, 2013

anyone mind if I post an lp here?
here is a link to the youtube one in case you need a demonstration


Posted by thebreadandbutter - May 4th, 2013

Generic Anime:
Generic Anime 3 has officially been story boarded (yay) and as much as I would like to get the entire cast of voice actors to return Conor the voice of Brocess will not be able to. So yeah that role is open at the moment. Other than that we are getting another animator to assist us with some character design also it will be the last episode of the series and will wrap up and explain (or as close to an explanation as we can get away with) the questions allot of people have been asking about the series and characters along with that post animation we will have a link in the credits to a video with me and the voice actor of Rockumorea where we will answer some more FAQ about the series.
oh god its like every time I announce a release date shit happens; the video's launch has been delayed due to several issues and me wanting to shade over everything a bit more.
We will be doing that after GA3

and that is basically everything
(the image alone is a picture of the original GA comic from 2010 and Kishi's original character design)

GA3 and other updates

Posted by thebreadandbutter - April 28th, 2013

So while Poorestpotato cleans Zahtas 1.5 up I was thinking about reviewing another game (sens my last one did surprisingly well) any suggestions?

Posted by thebreadandbutter - April 21st, 2013

An episode with crabs, letter punching and, guineapigs; it'll make sens in the end... I think

prepare to ask yourself what the fuck is this episode about

Posted by thebreadandbutter - April 15th, 2013

Zahtas episode 2 is officialy offical in all realms of officailness and if there are no problems I am shooting for late may for release and for episode 1.5 it'll be out early may/ late april


Posted by thebreadandbutter - April 12th, 2013

So here is whats going on: This Saturday we are RECORDING A THE LONG AWAITED NEW EPISODE OF ZAHTAS along with recording something for a Spanish project I am doing, another review, and if there is still time left we will record T.O.L.Q.
The order in which I will be animating these is as fallows:
Spanish Project (sorry but school is priority and its only 30 seconds long)
Zahtas 2 (FINNALY)
Review (and its of a game everyone knows)
T.O.L.Q. (when we get to it)
so yeah expect zahtas in late May or early June along with my review.
ALSO should I post my 30 Spanish report animation/ commercial?

Posted by thebreadandbutter - March 25th, 2013

It was this day 1 year ago that my hero Edd Gould died of cancer after what we were told was a 6 year long battle let us vast in his memory by watching his animations :)