Generic Anime:
Generic Anime 3 has officially been story boarded (yay) and as much as I would like to get the entire cast of voice actors to return Conor the voice of Brocess will not be able to. So yeah that role is open at the moment. Other than that we are getting another animator to assist us with some character design also it will be the last episode of the series and will wrap up and explain (or as close to an explanation as we can get away with) the questions allot of people have been asking about the series and characters along with that post animation we will have a link in the credits to a video with me and the voice actor of Rockumorea where we will answer some more FAQ about the series.
oh god its like every time I announce a release date shit happens; the video's launch has been delayed due to several issues and me wanting to shade over everything a bit more.
We will be doing that after GA3
and that is basically everything
(the image alone is a picture of the original GA comic from 2010 and Kishi's original character design)