This is the bread box

Age 27, Male

Joined on 12/26/12

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thebreadandbutter's News

Posted by thebreadandbutter - March 8th, 2014

For the past yonk or so I have been making a new animation featuring tenticals, cake, and magical etheral beasts. The animation has been refered to as Sempi.swf however a name has been decided and I am going to keep it a suprise. All I have to do to finish it is to add lips and fix what ever people suggest down below.

Thank you


Posted by thebreadandbutter - February 22nd, 2014

Acording to norse mythology on this day the Earth will be swallowed by the seas and the gods + whatever Loki pulls out of his ass will fight to the death!

so yeah have fun :D

Posted by thebreadandbutter - February 3rd, 2014

I understand with swf type videos you import the loader but how dose it work if you have ads aproved on a non swf video?

Posted by thebreadandbutter - November 28th, 2013

So let's start with the big one: ZAHTAS 2 IS 99% DONE ALL I HAVE TO DO IS TRANSFER THE LIP MOVEMENTS FROM ONE FLA TO IT, so I am shooting for a release of Dec,31,2013 AT THE LATEST!

Topic 2: Generic anime 3; ALLOT has happened in the past months that I can no longer animate it so the user psychopath has kindly taken the series off my hands.

Topic 3: I'd like your opinion on a little something to improve the future of my animations, please fill this 1 question questionnaire out https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1T8-pGQzKw-Z3ghHGpDNkxk5RtGj8dVx2Vh6_D9Qcabg/viewform (in case you can't copy/ paste: questionair)

Posted by thebreadandbutter - August 23rd, 2013

I really don't know whats going on with it I have the entire story board written but due to multiple things its just staying in it's physical comic state so as of now (and it could possible change in the future) GA3 is cancelled and the " story " as it is will just stay a 2 parter.

on the less dark side Amadeo (poorestpotato) and I are writing a 5 episode series that IS NOT A PARODY! :D
(yeah he and I are as sick as it as you)


Posted by thebreadandbutter - August 2nd, 2013

So for the next big animation where doing (Imma keep it a secret) we have changed the art style so its a bit cleaner and less thick with the line along we that we have brought 2 new people on board for this project:
thefrailestwing: who is in charge of the sound design and music. ( https://soundcloud.com/thefrailestwing )


Serpintinemachinery: (has nothing I can provide for link'n purposes) who is in charge of character design.

I hope you enjoy the new members of the staff as much as I do new video coming in 1-2 months.

Posted by thebreadandbutter - July 13th, 2013

PoorestPotato and I have teamed up and we are currently making a fighting game that at the moment has no official name, the character roster has 10 planned but our goal is to get 15 in, out of the 10 planned we have 2 actually in the game currently one of them being what I have below
This fighter is known as the Blue Devil
His speed is average and he lacks any kind of block ability how ever he makes up for it with his attack strength and jump height he is good for avoiding getting ganged up on but bad when it comes to getting high combos
more to be announced:


Posted by thebreadandbutter - July 10th, 2013

So while everyone else sorts out when we are going to record AA I guess I'm just going to make another review any suggestions?

Posted by thebreadandbutter - July 9th, 2013

So I am very pleased to announce that my final parody hobomon did very well with 3.52 stars and nearly 500 views I am also pleased to announce that we are already working on our next flash animation, I'm not going to spoil anything aside from that we are going to continue using the animation style of hobomon yet fix the problems people kept reporting:
the voice acting
so with that being said I would also like to share my good friend and co animator of hobomon, Zahtas, ect (basically almost everything I've done up to this point) poorestpotato is working on a couple of games and I would really appreciate it if you stopped by his account some time and maybe even fan him
with that being said I am closing with this video
(for some reason NG won't let me embed the video)

Posted by thebreadandbutter - June 17th, 2013

this is just something I wanna say out loud and get it out there as of now (6/16/13) 7/8 animations are parodies and I am working on an 8th one that is pokemon related, everyone around me keeps telling me to continue and that I should just stick to parodies because "They always get watched" or "It's all we can write" (both quotes have been actually said to my face before) but the thing is that I HATE THESE I AM NOT PROUD OF THEM!!! When I briefly assisted Mistyentertainment in an episode of adrellia village I was so happy while drawing that just because I knew that it wasn't another parody that would become irrelevant in a month the only parody I ever enjoyed doing was Generic Anime and that was only because I didn't know what I was to unleash, that I was just adding to the parody pile on the internet... My bottom line is that after this pokemon parody I finish I won't be posting any more of this garbage in other words after my current project is done I am never going to touch a parody again, I'm going OC.

the truth